What is galvanized sheet? What types of galvanized sheet are available?

Galvanized sheet refers to the surface of ordinary carbon structural steel coated with a layer of zinc metal to provide corrosion protection and decoration. There are many different types of galvanized sheet depending on the thickness, application and production process. The following are a few common types of galvanized sheet:

SGCC: All known as ordinary hot-dip galvanized sheet, this type of galvanized sheet is commonly used in construction, light manufacturing and other fields, the main features are corrosion resistance, high strength and good formability.

DC51D+Z, DC52D+Z, DC53D+Z: These models of galvanized sheet belong to the low-carbon cold-rolled sheet, with a smooth surface, passivation performance and other advantages, mainly used in automotive, electrical appliances and other fields.

DX51D+Z, DX52D+Z, DX53D+Z: These types of galvanized sheets are low carbon hot rolled sheets with high strength, good paint adhesion and other advantages, and are mainly used in the manufacture of home appliances, decorative panels and other fields.

SECC, SGCD1, SGCD2, SECE: These types of galvanized sheets belong to electrolytic zinc steel sheets, which have fine surface dimensions and are very versatile, and can be used in electrical appliances, communications and other industries.

In addition, there are also some manufacturers according to different user needs specially formulated specifications and models of galvanized sheet, so in fact the galvanized sheet model types are more varied.

The Difference Between Electro-galvanizing and Hot-dip Galvanizing

Electro Galvanized Sheets
Electro Galvanized Sheets
Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Sheets
Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Sheets
  • Different Zinc Coating Weights

There is a big difference in zinc coating weight between hot-dip galvanized sheet and electro-galvanized sheet. The zinc coating of hot-dip galvanizing cannot be very small. Generally, the minimum is 50-60g/m2 on both sides, and the maximum can reach 600g/m2. The galvanized layer of electro-galvanized sheet can be very thin, the minimum is 15g/m2.

  • Different Structural

There is a slightly brittle compound layer between the pure zinc coating of the hot-dip galvanized sheet and the steel strip substrate. When the pure zinc coating is crystallized, most of the spangle are formed, and the coating is uniform and free of pores. The zinc atoms of the electro-galvanized layer are only deposited and precipitated on the surface of the steel strip, and are attached to the surface of the steel strip by physical action. There are many pores, so pitting corrosion is easily caused by corrosive media. Therefore, hot-dip galvanized sheet is more corrosion-resistant than electro-galvanized sheet.

  • Different Processing Techniques

Hot-dip galvanized sheet is generally made of chilled sheet as raw material, which is continuously annealed and hot-dip galvanized on the production line. The steel strip is heated and then cooled in a short time, so its strength and workability are affected to some extent. Electrogalvanized sheet uses cold-rolled sheet as raw material, which basically guarantees the same processing performance of cold-rolled sheet, but its complicated process also increases production costs. In short, the production cost of hot-dip galvanized sheet is lower, and the application range is wider, and it has also become the main variety in the galvanized sheet market.

Hot Rolled Steel vs. Cold Rolled Steel

Rolling is a metal forming process that employs the use of a series of rollers to alter the shape, improve the uniformity, and/or enhance the mechanical properties of materials. Rolled steel can be categorized into two types—hot rolled steel and cold rolled steel—which demonstrate distinct characteristics that make them suitable for different applications. When choosing a rolled steel material for a project, it is important to be aware of the differences between the two types and how they affect their performance.

An Overview of Hot Rolled Steel

Hot rolled steel is steel that has undergone the rolling process at a temperature above its recrystallization temperature (usually 1700° F or greater). Compared to unprocessed steel, the processed material exhibits greater formability and workability, making it easier to work with in subsequent processing operations.

The hot rolling process starts with a large, rectangular slab of metal referred to as a billet. First, the billet is heated and compressed into a large roll. While still hot, it passes through a series of rotating rollers to achieve the desired dimensions. In sheet metal production operations, the rolled steel is then wound into coiled rolls and left to cool. In production operations involving other forms, the processed material is cut into the specified units and packaged.

Benefits of Hot Rolled Steel

Hot rolled steel offers several manufacturing advantages, such as:

  • Lower cost: Hot rolled steel tends to be less expensive than cold rolled steel since it involves less processing.
  • Better workability: As the hot rolling process occurs at elevated temperatures, the processed material is easy to form and shape.
  • Little to no internal stress: The hot rolling process involves cooling the steel gradually, which allows the material to essentially normalize its structure and become free of internal stresses.

Applications of Hot Rolled Steel

Since hot rolled steel shrinks slightly during the cooling stage, there is a lesser degree of control over its final shape. For this reason, it is typically used in applications that do not require extremely tight tolerances, such as:

  • Agricultural equipment
  • Automobile parts (e.g., frames and wheel rims)
  • Construction materials (e.g., I-beams)
  • Railroad equipment (e.g., tracks and railcar components)

An Overview of Cold Rolled Steel

Cold rolled steel is hot rolled steel that has undergone additional processing to improve its dimensional and mechanical properties. During the cold rolling process, cooled hot rolled steel passes through another series of rollers at room temperature. Since the material is no longer hot and malleable, a significantly higher amount of pressure is required to compress it into the desired shape. While this process can be more labor-intensive and expensive than the hot rolling process, it can achieve tighter dimensional tolerances and better surface qualities.

Benefits of Cold Rolled Steel

Compared to hot rolled steel, cold rolled steel offers a variety of advantages, such as:

  • Greater strength: Cold rolled steel can exhibit strength up to 20% greater than that of hot rolled steel, which makes it more suitable for use in high-stress applications.
  • Better surface finishes: Parts and products made from cold rolled steel generally have a smooth and shiny surface that is free of rust and scale.
  • Higher precision: Unlike hot rolled steel, cold rolled steel does not shrink after the forming process. This quality allows for the creation of highly precise components that require little to no secondary processing.

Applications of Cold Rolled Steel

Cold rolled steel is often used for applications that require tighter tolerances and better surface finishes. Typical parts and products include:

  • Aerospace structures
  • Home appliances
  • Metal furniture
  • Strips, rods, bars, and sheets
  • Mechanical Components

Key Differences Between Hot Rolled Steel and Cold Rolled Steel

As indicated above, the main difference between hot rolled steel and cold rolled steel is the temperature at which they are processed. Hot rolled steel is rolled above the material’s recrystallization temperature, whereas cold rolled steel is rolled below the material’s recrystallization temperature. Beyond this quality, there are a few other distinctions between the two materials, including in regard to the following:

  • Surface quality. Hot rolled steel tends to have rough edges and surfaces that require decarburization or other treatments to prepare it for use in subsequent production operations. In contrast, cold rolled steel generally has a shiny and smooth surface that allows it to be used as-is in production operations.
  • Material hardness. The cold rolling process produces steel with much higher strength and hardness than the steel produced by the hot rolling process.
  • Internal stress. The greater material strength and hardness introduced by the cold rolling process comes with greater internal stresses. These stresses must be relieved before the material can be processed; otherwise, the final part or product may experience warping.

These two steel types should not be confused with the technical specifications or grades used to classify steel by composition or physical characteristics. Steel can be hot rolled or cold rolled regardless of its metallurgical specifications or grade.

When evaluating steel options for a project, it is important to keep in mind that some materials will work better than others for certain purposes. Understanding which type of steel offers the right properties for a given application can prevent overspending on raw materials and save time in the long run.